A Simple Way to Use the FTP Module in PHP
A Simple Way to Use the FTP Module in PHP PHP is a widely used scripting language for web development. With PHP, you can create dynamic web pages or interact with databases. However, to write and execute PHP code, you need to upload PHP files to the web server. You can easily transfer PHP code to the remote server using the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) module. The FTP module is provided as a built-in function in PHP and offers various features for connecting and transferring files to the FTP server. To use the FTP module, you need information such as the address, ID, password of the FTP server. Then you can call the functions of the FTP module to create a connection with the FTP server and upload or download files. In this post, we will briefly look at how to use the FTP module in PHP. Creating a connection with the FTP server. To use the FTP module, you need to create a connection with the FTP server first. To do this, use the ftp_connect() and ftp_login() functions. The ftp_conn...